- fiducial axis
- • линия, соединяющая координатные метки прикладной рамки• ось координат
English-Russian cartography dictionary. 2013.
English-Russian cartography dictionary. 2013.
fiducial axis — The line joining opposite fiducial marks on a photograph. A fiducial mark is any marker built into an aerial camera that registers its image on an aerial photograph as a fixed reference mark. The image cast on a photograph by such a marker is… … Aviation dictionary
Astrological age — For the song, see Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In. For the album, see The Age of Aquarius (album). An astrological age is a time period in astrology which is believed by some to parallel major changes in the Earth s inhabitants development,… … Wikipedia
Software tools for molecular microscopy — There are a large number of software tools or software applications that have been specifically developed for the field sometimes referred to as molecular microscopy or cryo electron microscopy or cryoEM. Several special issues of the Journal of… … Wikipedia
Alidade — An alidade (archaic forms include alhidade, alhidad, alidad) is a device that allows one to sight a distant object and use the line of sight to perform a task. This task can be, for example, to draw a line on a plane table in the direction of the … Wikipedia
tilt — i. The angular movement of the offset of a camera axis about an aircraft’s longitudinal axis. ii. The angle at the perspective center between the photograph perpendicular and the plumb line or another exterior reference direction. In aerial… … Aviation dictionary
Magnetoencephalography — Diagnostics Patient undergoing an MEG MeSH … Wikipedia